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Ranger Services

WA Contract Ranger Services have been engaged to service the Shire of Mt Marshall in all areas of Dog and Cat control. All complaints relating to dogs and cats are still to be directed to the Shire offices.

Dog & Cat Registration Costs

Sterilised Dog Registrations

Standard Rate
1 year
3 years

Unsterilised Dog Registrations

Standard Rate
1 year
3 years

All dogs that are used for droving or tending stock are charged one quarter of the fee that would otherwise be payable.

Section 21 of the Dog Act 1976 requires dogs to be microchipped when they are 3 months of age, and being registered for the first time or when a change of ownership occurs. As of 1 November 2015, all dogs that have reached 3 months of age must be micro chipped regardless of registration status.

Cat Registrations

Standard Rate
1 year
3 years

All cats are required to be sterilised and micro chipped prior to registration.

Fees for registrations of dogs and cats after 31st May in any year are charged at half the fee payable for that registration year.

Keeping of Dogs

Maximum Number of Dogs to be Kept

The occupier of premises shall not unless the premises are licensed as an approved kennel establishment or have been granted exemption pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Act keep or permit to be kept on those premises more than­:

  1. two dogs over the age of three months and the young of those dogs under that age if the premises are situated elsewhere than in a rural area;
  2. six dogs over the age of three months and the young of those dogs under that age if the premises are situated within a rural area.

Condition of Keeping Dogs

The occupier of premises on which a dog is kept shall:

  1. cause the premises or portion thereof on which the dog is kept to be fenced in a manner capable of confining the dog;
  2. ensure the fence used to confine a dog and every gate or door in the fence is of a type, height and construction which having regard to the breed, age, size and physical condition of the dog shall be capable of preventing the dog at all times from passing over, under or through it;
  3. ensure that every gate or door in the fence is kept closed at all times when the dog is on the premises and is fitted with a proper latch or other means of fastening it;
  4. maintain the fence and all gates and doors in good order and condition
  5. where no part of the premises consists of open space, yard or garden or there is no open space or garden or yard of which the occupier has exclusive use or occupation, ensure that other means exist on the premises for effectively confining the dog within the building on the premises. This does not include tethering the dog within the premises