The Shire of Mt Marshall is making it easier for you to access information managed by us.
Use the search bar above to look up information about our services, policies, budgets, public registers and documents about our decisions.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act aims to make more government information available to all sectors of the community. Find how to apply, the timeframes and costs involved.
Code of Conduct
Find the Shire’s Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates and Employees.
Annual Report
The Annual Report gives you a snapshot of what the Council has delivered to you in the last financial year. It highlights our accomplishments and how well we’ve been doing.
Annual Budget and Fees & Charges
Our Shire provides a range of services, facilities and activities. Review the Annual Budget to find what we are working towards.
Plans, policies & strategies
Access Shire policies and plans, adopted by Council to provide guiding principles for use during the decision-making process.
Local Laws
There are a number of local laws that govern and regulate activities throughout the Shire. These local laws have the status of legislation and are enforceable by the Shire.