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Aged Persons Units


Built in 2001 the aged person units are a modern and spacious and are perfect for either a couple or single person.    Each of the four units include 2 bedrooms (carpet flooring), a bathroom (tiled), lounge room (carpet floor) Kitchen (built in pantry, stove and vinyl floors), laundry (built in linen storage and tiled floor), store room and undercover garage. 

The units are surrounded by landscaped gardens which are mainly maintained by the Shire of Mt Marshall Parks and Gardens Staff.   There is a small section of garden that is the responsibility of the tenant (HACC service is available).   The units are located within walking distance of the local shop, post office, newsagency, community resource centre, library and swimming pool.

There is currently one unit vacant and expressions of interest are open to everyone however priority is given to those best meeting the following criteria:

  • 65 years of age or over
  • Person with a disability
  • Long term residency within the Shire of Mt Marshall
  • Pensioner

To register an Expression of Interest please contact Breanna at the Shire on 9685 1202.

Pets are permitted subject to the payment of a pet bond. 


Built in 2011, the two Beacon Aged Person Units are very modern facilities.   The units are very spacious and perfect for either a couple or single person.   Located in the centre of Beacon means that all the local services are within walking distance.   Unfortunately there are no current vacancies in the units.   Expressions of interest are open to everyone however priority is given to those best meeting the following criteria:

  • 65 years of age or over
  • Person with a disability
  • Long term residency within the Shire of Mt Marshall
  • Pensioner

To register an Expression of Interest and have your name placed on a waiting list please contact Breanna at the Shire on 9685 1202.

Central Eastern Aged Cared Alliance Inc (CEACA)

A partnership of 11 Councils including the Shire of Mt Marshall called the Central Eastern Aged Care Alliance (CEACA) was formed in 2012. In partnership with the Wheatbelt Development Commission and Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt, CEACA has embarked upon a 6 year program to construct 187 dwellings across the 11 Shires to meet the need for senior’s accommodation.

 The Shire of Mt Marshall gained 3 independent living units (ILU’S) for the aged – 2 in Beacon and 1 in Bencubbin. All units are now complete with only a unit in Beacon currently available for rent. Application forms can be obtained by contacting Breanna at the Shire on 9685 1202 or by visiting the CEACA website: