Code of Conduct

Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates

A local government, in accordance with Section 5.104 of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021, is required to prepare and adopt a Code of Conduct to be observed by Council members, Committee members and Candidates.

The Code of Conduct is to contain matters as prescribed by regulations and can also make further provision for expectations of Council members, Committee members and Candidates.

For more information on the Shire’s Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates please refer to the document listed below.


In accordance with the Employee Code Regulations 2021, a local government is to have a Code of Conduct for Employees approved and implemented by the Chief Executive Officer.

The Shire of Mt Marshall Code of Conduct 2017 sets the standards of behaviour that employees are to observe in relation to their conduct. For more information on the Shire’s Code of Conduct for Employees, please refer to the document listed below.

Delegated Complaints Officer

Chief Executive Officer