The directory provides information about the various local sporting clubs operating from our local communities.
Bencubbin Football Club
Michael Putt
0427 900 290
Bencubbin Golf Club
Jenna Hope
0409 278 680
Bencubbin Hockey Club
Charmaine Evans
0413 168 985
Bencubbin Bowling Club
Brett Millar
0429 851 311
Bencubbin Netball Club
Dannelle Foley
0407 009 257
Bencubbin Rifle Club
Brad Probert
0429 130 127
Beacon Gun Club
John Haggerty
0427 474 346
Beacon Basketball Club
Beacon Hockey Club
Kerry Junk
0437 486 026
Beacon Tennis Club
Matt Dunne
0447 412 876
Beacon Football Club
Greg Clark
0429 496 045
Beacon Bowling Club
Jenni Bunce
0429 208 175
Beacon Netball Club
Karinda Smith
0427 080 913
Mt Marshall & Districts Go Kart Club
Carol Fowler
0417 855 517
Wialki Golf Club
Ian Meney
0427 986 034
Welbungin Tennis (Sports & Progress Association)
Ben Sachse
0427 851 257