Public Notice – Draft Local Planning Strategy

We’re planning for the future and have prepared a Draft Local Planning Strategy to guide our local planning over the next 15 years and beyond. This draft strategy has been prepared following extensive community consultation in 2022 plus a detailed review of local and state planning documents. This draft plan has now been approved for public advertising by the WA Planning Commission and we are once again seeking community feedback.  

The Draft Local Planning Strategy Documents are listed below, or you can view a hard copy at the Shire’s administration building during business hours.   

Why are we preparing a new Local Planning Strategy?

The current Local Planning Strategy was adopted in September 2013 and the Local Planning Scheme 3 was gazetted in December 2015. State Government legislation requires that these key planning documents be reviewed every 5 years. This ensures that our planning framework remains up to date by aligning with our Strategic Community Plan and responding to any recent opportunities and challenges as they relate to strategic planning in the Shire.

Mt Marshall LPS – progress to date

We have prepared a new draft Local Planning Strategy (LPS) based on research, analysis and community feedback to guide the growth and development of our Shire for the next 15 years and beyond, as well as protecting what the community values most. An LPS is an important planning document that assists the community in understanding of the future land use and broader direction of the Shire. 

The Shire is committed to enabling residents the opportunity to participate and engage in the consultation process. The LPS builds on the shared vision of an active, safe, and vibrant community with shared social values based on mutual respect and fairness. 

Overview of the steps so far:

The current Local Planning Strategy was adopted in September 2013 and the Local Planning Scheme 3 was gazetted in December 2015. State Government legislation requires that these key planning documents be reviewed every 5 years. This ensures that our planning framework remains up to date by aligning with our Strategic Community Plan and responding to any recent opportunities and challenges as they relate to strategic planning in the Shire.

Mt Marshall LPS – progress to date

We have prepared a new draft Local Planning Strategy (LPS) based on research, analysis and community feedback to guide the growth and development of our Shire for the next 15 years and beyond, as well as protecting what the community values most. An LPS is an important planning document that assists the community in understanding of the future land use and broader direction of the Shire. 

The Shire is committed to enabling residents the opportunity to participate and engage in the consultation process. The LPS builds on the shared vision of an active, safe, and vibrant community with shared social values based on mutual respect and fairness. 

Overview of the steps so far:

  • On 15 November 2021 a Report of Review was endorsed by the Shire’s Elected Members. The outcomes of this review determined that Shire of Mt Marshall Local Planning Strategy be revoked, and a new strategy prepared in its place to ensure consistency with the long term planning directions of the Shire; and conformity with the WAPC Local Planning Strategy Guidelines. These recommendations were accepted by the WAPC in January 2022.
  • On 18 July 2023, Council endorsed the draft Local Planning Strategy for the purpose of public advertising. The draft Local Planning Strategy was then reviewed by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to ensure broad consistency with State policies and guidelines, prior to submitting it to the WAPC.
  • On 4 April 2024, the WAPC granted certification to advertise the draft Local Planning Strategy to the community as per Clause 12, Part 3, of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015
  • Formal advertising of the Draft Local Planning Strategy has commenced. Written submissions can be made between 12 April 2024 – 5 May 2024.

Share your thoughts

We invite you to provide your feedback on this draft via three different options:

Submissions are open from Friday 12 April and close at 5:00pm on Sunday 5 May 2024.

Draft Local Planning Strategy documents for download:

Draft Local Planning Strategy – Part 1 and Part 2 Combined 
Part 1  –                 Pages 6 – 33
Part 2  –                 Pages 34 – 111
Strategy Maps  –  Pages 28 – 32

What happens next?

The stages of producing a Local Planning Strategy are: 

  1. Initial research – complete
  2. Preliminary Community Engagement – complete
  3. Preparation of Draft Local Planning Studies – complete
  4. Council and WAPC consent to advertise – complete
  5. Public advertising – now underway
  6. Review and modification of Draft Local Planning Strategy
  7. Council and WAPC endorsement

After the submissions period closes, the Shire will review and consider submissions from the community and public authorities, which may result in modifications to the Draft Local Planning Strategy.