We are committed to providing the community with open and transparent access to information contained in our registers, where possible.
If the information you seek is not on our website, please contact us for further assistance.
Gift Register
Public register of gifts and benefits received by our staff and Councillors.
Elected Member Training register
Public register of training and professional development completed by Councillors.
Declarations Register
Disclosures of interests that have been made by Councillors and employees.
Complaints Register
The Public register of complaints detailing minor breach complaints and action taken.
Tender Register
Access the Tenders Register to view contracts awarded following a tender process.
Delegation Register
Delegated Authority Register containing details of all delegations to committees, the Chief Executive Officer and employees.
Returns Register
This register provides the names of Council members and employees that lodged a primary or annual return for a financial year beginning or after 1 July 2020.
Council Member Expenses Register
This register is prepared annually on any fees, expenses or allowances paid to each councillor during a financial year.